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CB4ALF-20A-01, Apollo/Conbraco, 4 IN 4ALF-200 RP Less Gates, Grooved X Grooved
Item #: CB4ALF-20A-01
Manufacturer: Apollo/Conbraco
Supplier #: 4ALF20A01
The Apollo® Model RP4A and RPLF4A Series Lead Free* & Non-Lead Free Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Assembly prevents contamination of the potable water supply due to back-siphonage or backpressure from substances that are objectionable to the potable water supply, but non-health hazards. The top accessed modular check valve cartridges provide captured springs, replaceable seats and reversible silicone seat discs. This Made in America assembly features ball valve shutoffs with stainless steel handles and nuts as standard and carries the five-year Apollo® factory warranty.
Item Specifications
Less Gates
RP 1013
Grooved X Grooved
Lead Free